What is deleted?
Deleting your account will remove your email address, avatar images, push notification ids, and any phone number
You will also lose membership in groups you belong to, and
groups you administer will become inactive.
Past group messages, and records of golf matches you participated in will still be viewable by members
of the groups in which those activities occurred, but not by others. Scorecards for rounds you participated in
will still be viewable
by the other players in the round, but not by others in the group, or anyone else.
A request to
delete your account will require further verification utilizing
the email address associated with the account.
Have a suggestion, complaint or request? Use the form below to contact us.
You can also initiate deletion of your account using this form. This may be useful if you no longer have access to your device, and wish to delete personal information stored by the app on remote servers. However, if you have access to the app, this can be done easily by going to settings -> Login and Account -> Delete User Account.